Do you use emoji on Dynamics label?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

How do you show a tooltip or a note to a Dynamics user?

Figure: How to show a tooltip like this in Dynamics?

Option 1 - Description attribute


  • Out of box feature. No customizations needed


  • Not obvious to see - users are often unaware they can hover on the label to see the note

screenshot at oct 28 11 17 04
Figure: The out-of-box description attribute can be used as a tooltip. But it's not obvious to see

Option 2 - PCF control


  • Flexibility - can customize any style or behaviour


  • Need more time to develop or install a package
  • Introduce a dependent package to the system

screenshot at oct 28 11 23 52
Figure: Use a PCF control to show a note and link to a web page

Add an emoji in the label to remind people to hover to see the tooltip.

screenshot at oct 28 11 29 40
Figure: Add an emoji on the label to remind to people it's a tooltip

Lu Zhang
Adam Cogan
Calum Simpson
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