Do you reference the issue ID when writing a test to confirm a bugfix?

Last updated by Steven Qiang [SSW] over 1 year ago.See history

Some bugs have a whole history related to them and, when we fix them, we don't want to lose the rationale for the test. By adding a comment to the test that references the bug ID, future developers can see why a test is testing a particular behaviour.

public void TestProj11()

Figure: Bad example - The test name is the bug ID and it's unclear what it is meant to test

 Test case where a user can cause an application exception on the
 Seminars webpage
 1. User enters a title for the seminar
 2. Saves the item
 3. Presses the back button
 4. Chooses to resave the item
 See: https://server/jira/browse/PROJ-11
public void TestResavingAfterPressingBackShouldntBreak()

Figure: Good example - The test name is clearer, good comments for the unit test give a little context, and there is a link to the original bug report

Adam Cogan
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