Do you know when to create the team project and Azure DevOps Portal for a prospect/client?

Last updated by Chloe Lin [SSW] 6 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: Azure DevOps does not support SharePoint Team Sites (since 2018) - Discontinue SharePoint integration - TFS Replaced by

When a prospect/client is ready to move forward (typically after a Specification Review)...

  1. Create a TFS project (to track the work items and releases)
  2. Create a SharePoint project site

    You can do both of these at the same time by creating a Azure DevOps project and use a SharePoint dashboard.

    Figure: Choose to create a new SharePoint site when creating Azure DevOps project

Note: It is also possible to create a new SharePoint site afterwards and attach it to a Azure DevOps project, via this hack

  1. Move all the documents you've created for this client, from the 'Prospects Site (Document Library)' into the new project site.

A few other things to do frequently do right away:

  • If required, create an external user account for the Product Owner. This enables the client access to your SharePoint Extranet to see the documents, sites and reports.
  • If required, let the client know they can upload additional files, or download a copy of the project for testing and deployment.
  • Check permissions and access rights
  • Consider synchronizing the project documents offline via Outlook or SharePoint Workspaces
  • Edit the SharePoint site landing wiki-page and upload some pictures of the team
    Figure: Once your 'TFS Portal' is ready, add a picture of the team site, prior to letting them know about the new site
Ulysses Maclaren
Adam Cogan
Gordon Beeming
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