Do your speakers know what they need to do at an event?

Last updated by Camilla Rosa Silva [SSW] 4 months ago.See history

It is really important that your speakers feel empowered, so make sure you give them the tools they need to run their event well.

On the day of your event, chat to the speaker and give them the Speaker Checklist so they know how the day will run:

1. Agenda

Share the agenda with the audience, so they know the break times.

We recommend the following breaks:

Schedule Time
Registration 9 am
Morning tea 10:30 am (15 min)
Lunch 1 pm - 2 pm
Afternoon tea 3:30 pm (15 min)
Finish 5 pm

2. Breaks

Attendees will often ask you what time the break will start or finish, so if you write it down they can refer it instead of asking you!

Tip: You can print out this PDF "Break-Ends-Sheet," to keep them informed, without answering the same question many times!

More info on Do you set a clear end time for breaks?

3. Names

Draw yourself a rough diagram of the room, start with intros and then go around the room and write people's names down for future reference. It will make speaking to them later a lot more personal if you can learn their name.

Tip: Draw the table layout before people arrive - it's faster. It's also easy if you draw the view you see looking at the audience.

!Figure: An example of the room layout with attendee's name, and memorable things about them

4. (Optional) Coffee Orders

  • Ask attendees what coffee they would like, or ask them to fill out an electronic form and give this to your admin staff

5. Evaluations

  • Share your evaluation forms out around 4 pm to give people time to complete them
Adam Cogan
Penny Walker
Camilla Rosa Silva
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