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Google Analytics Report Template

As per our conversation, here is my look at some of the stats from Google Analysis.

How many visitors we had?

July 2008 June 2008
Visits 380 284
Unique Visitor 349 237
New Visitor 330 221
Page Views 713 531

* Visits = traffic and it is increasing


Where did the visitors come from?

Top 5 countries

July 2008 June 2008
1 Australia (45%) Australia (50.16%)
2 United kingdom (18.68%) United Kingdom (19.02%)
3 United States (14.47%) United States (12.79%)
4 Ireland (5.26%) Canada (2.62%)
5 New Zealand (2.89%) Sweden (1.64%)

* US traffic is up


How they found Coogee Castaway?

July 2008 June 2008
1 Google (30.26%) Google (32.75%)
2 Google Adword (21.23%) Google Adword (23.24%)
3 Direct (12.37%) Direct (17.25%)
4 Google Image (10.26%) Google Image (6.69%)
5 Live (5.53%) Live (4.23%)

* is the blog of a German passenger. This is another way to advertise.

* Google images are up. This might be because some people used Google image to search for Coogee apartments.


What were they looking for?

The top keywords that led visitors to from search engine: (excluding searching by name "Coogee Castaway" and the URL "")

July 2008 June 2008
1 coogee apartments (25.10%) coogee apartments (23.53%)
2 hotel coogeee (4.45%) hotel coogee (6.95%)
3 coogee beach accommodation (2.02%) coogee castaway 5 (2.14%)
4 coogee beach crown plaza ( 1.62%) coogee accommodation (1.60%)
5 two bedroom accommodation site:au (1.62%) coogee holiday accommodation (1.60%)

Top 5 pages visited and the exit rate

Default.aspx - 53.91%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccomodation.aspx - 45.58%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation - LargeImages.aspx - 43.68%s
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation_House.aspx - 60.27%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation_Lurline.aspx  - 35.29%

*The exit rate of house page is much higher than the rate of other two pages. Although we have such links back to the default page at the bottom of the page, I suggest that we should re-group the section's on the page. The pages are too long and the sections are not placed balanced, so that would be a bit hard for user to find the link to go forward or backward.  


What made the visitors exited?

Default.aspx - 53.91%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation.aspx - 45.58%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation_LargeImages.aspx - 60.27%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation_House - 43.68%
CoogeeAustraliaHolidayAccommodation_LargeImages.aspx - 35.94%


The Adwords statistics of last month (July 2008)




1.Only 3 Adwords are working now. The CTR is not high. I think we should delete those phrase which are never shown on Google. And if you permit, I can do some test to find the best phrase for Adword.

2.According to the scan result of WebCEO, holiday and apartment” are searched by users frequently. So I suggest you add these two words to the keyword in your website, and add coogee holiday rentals to the Adword.

Some of our competitors also have these keywords. 

3.Stayz and Real Holidays seem not the same kind of our website. They both have a high page rank (6), which makes them at the top of searching result. Coogee Sands is not that good, but it has higher pagerank (4) than Coogee Castaway (2). The advantage of Coogee Castaway is that we have good pictures, simple content and behavioural targeting, which are better than Coogee Sands. To improve the page rank, I suggest to add more contents to the website and cooperate with other websites. I noticed that some of the visitors came from Stayz, so maybe that is a kind of choice.

For the changes to the content, my suggestions are:

  • Add something about the beach, e.g. photos, stories...
  • Add separate page for map and booking. Use images instead of link.
  • Add some information of local service, e.g. transport and entertainment