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SSW Update - September 2001

We're Looking for Feedback on our Upcoming Projects

The Cutting Edge

We are always looking for feedback for our upcoming projects, so we're placing specifications for some of our projects here inviting you to have your say.

Any feedback is very welcome, as it allows us to improve the design of our utilities before they are even released.

During the last decade SSW developed some great products and utilities. This was achieved together with help from people like you, who have given us invaluable feedback.

SSW has a continued goal to concentrate on developing products that have a clear market need and stand out from our competitors.

SSW Exchange Manager Specs

Most companies have one corporate database, usually it's powered by some relational database management system such as SQL Server, Oracle (and sometimes even Access). Companies also usually have one mail server (in our case, we're assuming Exchange Server 2000) with many emails to and from clients. These are two great sources of information relating to your company's clients, however, there is rarely little link between these.

Databases are often the lifeblood of a company with customer details and invoices. Reports from the database are crucial for managers to determine the health of the company, e.g. how much was invoiced last month.

Email systems are the daily workhorse of a company that have customer inquiries, support answers etc. There is a lot of information that is important to the company e.g. which employees are doing the most customer liaison, which products are requiring the most maintenance, which customers take up the most resources.

There needs to be some sort of product that can give reports from Exchange Server - just as there are for databases. This will enpower management to efficiently make decisions regarding the company's past activities. To that end the need for 'SSW Exchange Manager'.

Cheers until next time,

Got a comment for Adam? Email Adam

User group meeting

The Access/SQL Server/ASP.Net Users Group

At this month's User Group meeting Adam Cogan we will dig into Internet Information Server, demonstrate the how-to's and benefits of DLL versioning, COM+ Services - this is applicable for VB6 (yes it's still around!) and VB.Net... We also look at some cool tricks of HTML and DHTML.

See You There! | Sorry I can't make it

Don't forget that as Microsoft have moved to new premises, so has the User Group. Need a Map?


BRAND NEW PRODUCT - SSW Access Reporter for IIS

Serving reports over the web is one possible complication from a browser-based application. Most people are forced to choose Crystal to deliver sexy on-line reports. The SSW Access Reporter for IIS will now allow you to deliver Access reports over the web!

SSW Access Reporter for IIS is a utility for serving Microsoft Access reports via IIS. It is designed to keep Access open and available, and process report requests in a FIFO (First In, First Out) manner.

The idea is that only one Microsoft Access object needs to be open, saving on resource consumption. Also, as the Access object is kept open, the server is ready to process requests for reports quickly, as there is no need for the overhead of starting Access each time a report needs to be run.

Check out SSW Access Reporter for IIS

CroissantSSW Tech Breakfast - VB.NET Building a Real World Solution - Special Double Session

This session will detail how to create a VB.NET desktop database application. We will discuss the advantages of VB.NET over Access and VB. You’ll also learn about:

  • Data Binding in a Windows Form
  • Using OLE-DB for different data sources
  • How to utilise a UDL and connection strings
  • Using the SubMain for application startup
  • Using client side sorting and filtering
  • Using the new error handling Try-Catch-Finally

Wednesday 26th September Register here

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Employment at SSW

We are looking for someone keen to work on projects using ASP.Net and SQL Server 2000

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