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✅ New page with updated info: ssw.com.au/events

  • Price (ex GST)
    • $199 $99
  • Hosted
    • Microsoft

This two-day workshop brings developers up-to-speed on the new features and benefits of using ASP.NET 5 and Angular 2 in Visual Studio 2015 to build awesome web applications.

Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET 5

Everything has changed! Angular 2 and MVC 6 both involve massive changes to how we build modern web applications. Visual Studio 2015 has incorporated all the best tooling from the JavaScript community to enable awesome frontend dev-ops.

At SSW we have already gone through the hard work on implementing these new and exciting technologies in our projects.

Don't waste weeks learning gulp, bower, NPM, WebPack, Angular 2, and getting your head around all the changes from the ASP.NET team. Visual Studio 2015 is massively different but we can get you jump started in just two days.


Day 1: The Angular Superpowers Tour

Session Day 1
AM The big picture, Angular 2 with ASP.NET 5 in Visual Studio 2015. Concepts, architecture and philosophy
AM What’s new in ASP.NET 5
AM What’s new in Angular 2.0
AM Dependency injection out of the box with Visual Studio 2015
PM Enterprise solution architecture ASP.NET 5
PM TypeScript and JavaScript 2015 (aka ES6)
PM How to build components, forms and services
PM Enterprise solution architecture Angular 2

Day 2: The Angular Superpowers Tour

Session Day 2
AM Testing your backend with x-unit
AM Testing your frontend Karma (test runner), Jasmine (BDD JavaScript tests) and Protractor (end 2 end tests.
AM WebAPI and MVC6
AM New Angular router
PM Frontend build processes bundling and asset management with WebPack, Gulp, NPM and bower
PM Dev-ops and deploying your backend with Visual Studio Online, Team City and Octopus Deploy

Location Venues

Brisbane Microsoft Office - Brisbane
Level 28,
400 George Street
Directions from CBD