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✅ New page with updated info: ssw.com.au

Scott Hanselman is in Australia as a special guest presenter at NDC Sydney Sydney and will be stopping in Sydney to talk at an extra-special Sydney user group, where he will be presenting two 1-hour sessions:

What you need to know
Come and find out from Scott Hanselman what you need to know to be a great developer in 2016.

Hanselman Unplugged – open Q&A
As the title suggests, this is your chance to ask Scott any questions on life at Microsoft, the future direction of .NET and any other technical or pop culture geek questions you may have.

For those of you who can't make it in person, this event will also be streamed live at http://www.ssw.com.au/ssw/NETUG/Live.aspx

Event Details

Date: 5th of August
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm AEDT
Cost: No Charge, but tickets necessary
Presenter: Scott Hanselman


Scott Hanselman at the SSW Sydney .NET User Group