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SSW Property and Event PRO! allows you to set values for properties and events across your whole database with an easy-to-use interface. You can also apply conditions based on any property to alter the affect of your changes. Anything that you can do in Access application development, SSW Property and Event PRO! can do across your whole database.

You can select the forms or controls you wish to update by specifying criteria based on any property that is normally available to you in design view.

Figure: SSW Property and Event PRO! allows you to set values for properties and events across your whole database with an easy-to-use interface

Key Features & Benefits

  • Make changes to any property in the access database.
  • Make changes to any event in the access database.
  • Provide conditions to only change certain properties and events.
More screen shots in the User Guide

User Guide

Welcome to the User Guide . This help facility is designed to quickly get you up and running using our software.

Demonstration Options
  • If you are in Sydney, call today for a free no-obligation demonstration at your office!
  • If you are not in Sydney, please take advantage of our SSW Phone Walkthrough. The SSW Phone Walkthrough is a service where we will call you, anywhere in the world and once you have installed our product we will guide you over the important features of the software. Saves you time, playing around with the software trying to work out all the useful features, please email us today.

How it works

SSW Property and Event PRO! helps you develop consistent, user-friendly applications in Microsoft Access.

Your Access database consists of many objects such as forms, command buttons and text boxes. Each of these has many properties and events that define the way they look and function. E.g. the textbox object has a backcolor property, a fontname property and an OnClick event, among others.

SSW Property and Event PRO! allows you to set these values across your whole database with an easy-to-use interface. You can also apply conditions based on any property to alter the affect of your changes.

Here are some practical examples of what you can achieve in less than 1 minute:

  • Make every label in your database bold.
  • Position a common object such as your close button in the same place on every form.
  • Make your database play a warning sound when a user presses delete on a selection of your forms.
  • Cause a calendar to pop up when a user double clicks in any text box that contains a date across your whole database.

System Requirements

Microsoft Access

What does the unregistered version give me?

Unregistered versions of SSW Property and Event PRO! provide full functionality for 10 uses. SSW provides free phone and email support to answer queries on registered products.


Please send us bug reports and feedback so that we can evolve our software into a product that matches your requirements. We guarantee a response.

If you can't find it in the product documentation then check our knowledge base for further information and tips about this product.

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