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Home > Products > SQL Deploy > SSW SQL Deploy - Screenshots
  1. Using SQL Deploy in Directory Mode

    Overview of Directory Mode

    What problem does SQL Deploy Directory Mode solve?

    Directory mode helps to solve the problem of managing and applying updates to the Database. It uses a history table to keep track of the updates that have been applied. This allows the DBAs and Developers to put their updates into a single folder and let SQL Deploy worry about versioning the changes.

    There is  also a dll that is provided that allows you to integrate with SQL Deploy and check if there is a new version.

    Directory mode is designed to allow Developers to incorporate SQL Deploy into their applications to deliver Database updates quickly and easily at the clients site.

    The SQL DBA or Developer saves all of the database updates to a single folder. SQL Deploy monitors this folder and checks for SQL scripts that have not been applied to the Database. It keeps track of the changes it has applied to the Database by updating a history table.

    For SQL Developers - Saving SQL Deploy Project (.sdproj) and SQL script files

    When a new version of the Database is required, simply

    • email the SQL scripts and the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file to the client.
    • Instruct them to place these files into the directory that SQL Deploy is monitoring. When the application detects the new SQL scripts the user will be notified that changes need to be made to the Database and a dialog similar to the following will be displayed.

    The SQL Deploy DLL will display this dialog when it detects a SQL script that has not been applied to the database. The checking process is normally run when the application that is using SQL Deploy is started.

    Figure: Warning - there is a new version

    When the user clicks on the Yes button, SQL Deploy will be launched with the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file as a parameter. The user has only to click the Next button for each screen in the SQL Deploy wizard to apply the database updates. You could also start the console version of SQL Deploy with will upgrade the database with no user intervention.

    Command line arguments for SSW SQL Deploy

    You can start SQL Deploy with command line arguments to specify the initial values displayed in the wizard screens.

    SSW.SQLDeploy.exe [/XMLFile:settings.sdproj] [/TimeOut:value] [/UserMode:true|false]
                        [/ReconcileScriptsMode:true|false] [/FolderPath:folderpath] [/ConnectionString:connectionstring]
                        [/SelectedFile:filepath] [/UseTransactions:true|false] [/UpdateVersionTable:true|false]


    SSW.SQLDeploy.exe /XMLFile:settings.sdproj

    Parameter Description
    The Full path and filename of the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file that contains the settings to use. It is not necessary to specify other parameters if a XMLFile is specified. For example:
    /XMLFile:"C:\Program Files\SSW SQL Deploy\Settings.sdproj"
    The connection Time out value to use when connecting to the SQL Server. For example:
    Indicates to run in Directory mode or Single File mode. true specifies to run in Directory mode, the /FolderPath parameter must be specified. false specifies to run in Single File mode, the /SelectedFile parameter must be specified. For example:
    Indicates whether to run in Compare(Reconcile) Scripts mode.
    The path to the folder that contains the SQL script files. (not for Single File mode) For example:
    /FolderPath:"C:\Program Files\SSW SQL Deploy\SampleData\"
    The connection string that specifies the Database to make the updates to. For example:
    /ConnectionString:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=SSWSQLDeployNorthwindSample;Data Source=(local)
    The full path and filename of the SQL script file that SQL Deploy should run. This option is only used with Single File mode.
    Indicates whether an entry will be added to the _zsDataVersion table with the SQL script name and the date and time the script was run. Using this option is recommended.
  2. Using SQL Deploy in Single File Mode

    Overview of Single File mode

    What problem does Single File mode solve?

    Single file mode is a great way to deliver ad-hoc updates to the Database. Instead of stepping an end-user through the process of running Query Analyzer or OSQL they can simply run SQL Deploy.

    SQL Deploy provides a friendly wizard-style interface and will report error messages in a way that people can understand.

    In Single file mode SQL Deploy will run a single SQL script against the Database. It is a simple method for ad-hoc database updates.

    When a new SQL script is emailed to a user by the Developers, the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file must be included. The SQL scripts and SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file are to saved to the users local disk drive as directed by the Developer.

    Files sent
    Figure: The two files sent by the Developer

    Select the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file

    Open SSW SQL Deploy, and select the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file. This file contains all the settings required to run the SQL script.

    Select the project
    Figure: Select the SQL Deploy Project (sdproj) file sent by the Developer

    Select Single File mode

    We are only running a single SQL file so select the Single File mode.

    Single File Mode
    Figure: Select the Single File mode
    Select the SQL script file

    Select the SQL script file that was sent by the Developer.

    Script to run
    Figure: Select the SQL script file to run
    Create a new Database or use an existing Database

    Choose whether to create a new Database or modify an existing Database.

    NOTE: If you are creating a new Database, the SQL script MUST contain a

    statement. SQL Deploy will use the
    statement to find the name of the Database. If you are not sure of how to do this, look at the 'ver100.sql' file in the samples folder.

    Choose DB
    Figure: Choose New or Existing Database
    Specify the SQL Server connection string

    If you are creating a new Database specify the Server and security settings.

    If you are updating an existing Database, click on the button to the right of the connection string to build the connection string using the standard Microsoft UDL wizard.

    Connection string
    Figure: Connection string to an existing Database
    Start the upgrade process

    Confirm any information then click on Finish to start the upgrade process.

    Finish Dialog
    Figure: Confirmation finish dialog
  3. Using SQL Deploy to Compare Scripts with the Database

    Overview of Compare scripts mode

    What problem does SQL Deploy Compare Scripts mode solve?

    Developers or DBA's can sometimes forget to save the changes they make to the Database as an SQL script.

    Compare Scripts mode ensures that all of the changes made to a Database between versions are scripted for deployment.

    The compare scripts mode allows you to check that the saved SQL scripts contain all of the changes to your Database. It checks that you have not left anything out before you upgrade a clients Database.

    This feature is not available with the console application.

    In this mode SQL Deploy creates a temporary Database then compares the temporary Database structure to your existing Database. Any differences in the SQL scripts are then displayed.

    To do this you should run SQL Deploy in the Compare Scripts With Database Mode.

    SQL Deploy will run all the scripts and create a temporary Database, it will then script out the Database and display any differences in the schemas of the Databases.

    Figure: Report generated after a compare. Demonstrating missing data from the script.