Thanks for coming along to VS Live! Here are the slides from my sessions. I'd love any feedback.


VSLive! 2002 Slides - Sydney

April 2002 contains powerpoint files and code for the following presentations:

  • VB .NET and SQL Server 2000
  • Third Party Tools for SQL Server

VSLive! 2001 Slides - Sydney

VSLive! 2001 Slides Download the presentation Adam Cogan's Power Point slides prepared for VS Live! March 2001 contains powerpoint files for the following presentations:

  • Build on Your Knowledge of MS Access
  • A to Z On Writing Better Functional Specs
  • Migrating To SQL Server (Upsizing)
  • 3rd Party Tools and Utilities

VSLive! 2001 Slides - Chicago

VSLive! 2001 Slides Adam Cogan's Power Point slides prepared for VS Live! March 2001 contains powerpoint files for the following presentations:

  • Advanced ADO
  • 18 Rules to Writing Better Code