Day Session Workbook Slides Resources
1 1A. Making a Plan Session 1A Hands-on Lab
Session 1A Slides Northwind Sample Specification Northwind Sample Specification - Contains: your UI, database design, and business rules (aka unit tests)
1B. Converting Access 97 to 2003 Session 1B Slides
EXE Microsoft Access 2002 Conversion You are going to a site outside of SSW
2. Upsizing Access to SQL Server Session 2 Hands-on Lab
Session 2 Slides

Whats new when moving from Access to SQL What's New and Different when Moving Your Backend from Access to SQL Server 2000

How to migrate from Acccess to SQL Server 2000 How to Migrate Your Backend from Access to SQL Server 2000

Northwind Data (Frontend and Backend MDB files)

2 3. Access to Reporting Services Session 3 Hands-on Lab
Session 3 Slides

whats new moving from Access to SQL Reporting Services What's New and Different for the Access Developer Moving to SQL Reporting Services

How to migrate Access Reports to Reporting Services How to Migrate Access Reports to Reporting Services

4. Access forms to Windows Forms .NET Session 4 Hands-on Lab
Session 4 Slides

Whats new moving from Access to .NET What's New and Different for the Access Developer Moving to .NET

How to move from Access Forms to Windows Forms How to Migrate Access Forms to .NET Windows Forms

Northwind .NET - Complete Solution


Here are links to the products we used in the sessions:

SSW Utilities

  • SSW eXtreme Emails! - Allocate tasks, set priorities, assign due dates and get Progress Reports without re-entering any data and working in the familiar Microsoft Outlook environment.
  • SSW Upsizing PRO! - prepare your Access database so you can convert effortlessly to SQL Server
  • SSW Performance PRO! - isolates performance bottle-necks in your Access application
  • SSW SQL Auditor - Identify and fix problems in database design
  • SSW SQL Deploy - automatically perform Database updates as a part of your application deployment

Third-party Utilities

Contact us for more information about these products.


Adam Cogan
Jatin Valabjee
Andrew Weaver