Do you check your facts before posting online?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

In this age of misinformation, it is easy to get swept up in online hype and share stories/posts that everyone else seems to be sharing. This, however, can get us into trouble as it can perpetuate said misinformation and impact how a situation is viewed by the general populace.

It’s important to not only check that what you share on social media is correct, but also, that your opinions are based on fact.

What if your view differs from popular opinion? It's OK to have a dissenting opinion, and it is OK to play devil's advocate, but you should:

  1. Acknowledge when you're not an expert in a particular area
  2. People's perspectives matter, for example, if someone has a history of C# it might explain why they like Blazor for a UI over JavaScript
  3. Acknowledge when you're unable to verify what you’re saying

Here are some helpful tips to aid in fact verification:

  1. Go to or use other fact-checking sites
  2. Look at the author and what they’ve published in the past... notice that they will have a bias one way or the other
  3. Look at other authorities and see what they say

What's equally as important as fact-checking is building your own public profile and becoming an expert in a specific area.

Becoming an expert and a source that people can trust isn’t something that happens overnight, it's something that you must continually work on. Here are some helpful hints to get you on your way:

  1. Pick several topics and stick to them (be consistent). It’s better to home in on subject matter, rather than being a jack-of-all-trades, master of none
  2. Use the above fact-checking tips and tricks. Make sure you know what you’re talking about, but also that you understand that other people's opinions may differ
  3. Engage with people. Initiate discussions, reply to comments, talk to people who have dissenting opinions
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