Do you know how to handle diacritics?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Imagine you're developing a search feature for a multilingual website. When a user searches for a term like "résumé", but the database contains variations like "resume" without accented characters, it leads to missed matches and incomplete search results. Furthermore, this lack of normalization can introduce inconsistencies in sorting and filtering, complicating data analysis and user navigation.

Implementing character normalization by converting accented and special characters to their closest unaccented equivalents allows terms like "résumé" to match "resume" enhancing search accuracy and overall user experience by addressing these multilingual nuances.

This is especially important for internationalization and for sites to serve users worldwide effectively, regardless of linguistic differences.

Handling diacritics in JS

JavaScript provides us with a handy method called normalize() that helps us tackle this problem effortlessly.

The method takes an optional parameter specifying the normalization form. The most common form is the Unicode Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition (NFD), which is suitable for most use cases.

See Unicode equivalence

Let's see how we can use it:

const accentedString = "résumé";
const normalizedString = accentedString
  .replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "");

console.log(normalizedString); // Output: resume

There are 2 things happening in the code above:

  1. normalize() converts strings into the NFD. This form decomposes composite characters into the base character and combining characters. E.g. 'é' would be decomposed into 'e' + '´'
  2. replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "") matches any character with a diacritic mark (accent) and replaces it with an empty string

Handling diacritics in .NET

You can also achieve the same result in .NET using a similar method Normalize():

string accentedString = "résumé";
string normalizedString = RemoveDiacritics(accentedString);

static string RemoveDiacritics(string accentedString)
    Regex Diacritics = new Regex(@"\p{M}");    // A regex that matches any diacritic.
    string decomposedString = accentedString.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD);   // Equivalent to NFD
    return Diacritics.Replace(decomposedString, string.Empty);

Console.WriteLine(normalizedString);    // Output: resume

Voila! With just two line of code, we've transformed the accented "résumé" into its standard English form "resume". Now, the search functionality can accurately match user queries regardless of accents.

Note: While this method often ensures uniformity and handles characters with multiple representations, it may not function as expected for non-diacritic characters such as 'æ' or 'ø'. In such cases, it may be necessary to use a library or manually handle these characters.

Chloe Lin
Brady Stroud
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