Do you know how to view changes made to a SharePoint page?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

If you find a mistake on a SharePoint page, you should find who made the change before you fix it. That way you can inform the person of their mistake.

As long as you are using the Text Webpart (aka the Rich text editor), you can easily see the exact changes made in each version of the page. See the advantages of the Text Webpart in this rule: Do you know why to use the Rich text editor over the Markdown editor?

Viewing changes on a SharePoint page

  1. On the page you want to check, click on Page details

sharepoint page details
Figure: SharePoint | Page details

  1. Click on Version history

sharepoint version history
Figure: SharePoint | Version history

  1. Make sure Highlight changes on the page is on

sharepoint highlight changes
SharePoint | Highlight changes

  1. View the changes

sharepoint view changes
Figure: SharePoint | View color-coded changes

Viewing changes to documents in SharePoint Online

  1. For the document you want to check, click on the 3 dots (Show actions)
  2. Click Version history

Snipaste 2018 10 08 13 21 05
Figure: Show actions | Version History

Snipaste 2018 10 08 13 22 46
Figure: Version history listed

If you want to see how this is done in Azure DevOps, read Do you know the benefits of using source control?

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