Does your Scrum Master (aka Project Manager) maintain a strict project schedule?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

This rule has been archived
Archived Reason: No longer relevant.

It's been called 'herding cats'. Managing the project team and keeping the client well informed during the release development phase is critical. Keeping development of the release on track involves maintaining transparency on the important variables of project management: time, scope, budget and quality. This is achieved by maintaining a strict project schedule with particular activities taking place regularly like clock-work.

Some activities are run internally; some are run with the client.


Internal activity


Internal activity

  • Stand Up meeting (or Daily Scrum)

Activity with the client


Internal activity

  • Stand Up meeting (or Daily Scrum)


Internal activity


Internal activity

  • Stand Up meeting (or Daily Scrum)
  • Internal build
  • Conduct an internal test please

ProjectManagement Coach
Figure: Only with a strict project schedule can the manager coach the team to success!

Adam Cogan
Ulysses Maclaren
Cameron Shaw
Justin King
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