Post-Production - Do you know how to conduct a 'Test Please' for video?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] 8 months ago.See history

It's best to conduct an internal and external test procedure for videos. This ensures that you meet your internal standards and follow the necessary rules that relate to video content creation.

You can also identify errors and inconsistencies that can be addressed for a second edit, before going live.

  1. Complete the video editing (Version 1) Produce your first edit of your video. If necessary follow the Post Production rules i.e. 'Do you use cutaways?', 'Do you add a Call to Action?'.
  2. Upload your first edit to YouTube

    1. Send test please to your manager(s)
    2. Feedback must be done within 48 hours
    3. Need two out of the three to move ahead
    4. If response isn’t submitted within designated time, the process moves to the next step
  3. Make changes to video from feedback
  4. Re-upload to YouTube
  5. Respond to each email with dones and not dones
  6. Send test please to your managers, any people on the video and one of the test groups

    1. 48 hours to test
    2. 6 people on the test
    3. Need 3 responses to move ahead
    4. If response isn’t submitted within designated time, the process moves to the next step
  7. Make changes to video from feedback
  8. Respond to each email with Done’s and reasons for Not Done’s
  9. Optional - Create a post for your video on your website (e.g. – embed the YouTube upload
  10. Send final test please – not for major changes (spelling mistakes, glaring faults etc.)

    1. If there is no response within 48 hours, we go live
Landon Maxwell
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