GitHub Issues - Do you turn emails into Issues before starting work?

Last updated by Tanya Leahy [SSW] 3 months ago.See history

If a Product Owner sends an email to the development team with a request, that email should be turned into a Github Issue before any work is started or the work is prioritized on the backlog.

Power Automate has a connector to do this automatically when an email arrives in Outlook. It can create a new Github Issue by parsing the From, To, Subject and body of the email.

However, at the moment there is a limitation that it doesn't read inline attachments in emails and therefore you have to create your issues manually in Github.

email to github issue2
Figure: Power Automate | Connectors | Github

email to github issue1
Figure: Configure Flow connectors to create a new Github Issue from Outlook

⚠️ Warning: This Flow connector does not support inline images.

email to github issue3
Figure: Good Example - Github issue created from Outlook using Flow connectors

email to github issue
Figure: Bad Example - Github issue created using Flow - inline attachment shows up as junk characters

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