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If you have any questions, please call me on (02) 9953 3000 or email me.


Louise Cogan


SSW Product Reviews




About SSW


SSW has been developing solutions since 1990, building valuable, unique tools and products for the developer and IT Manager. Solutions utilize the latest Microsoft technologies, including the .NET framework and are built in SQL Server, Access, in languages including VB.Net.


Press Releases


15th March 2002
Toyota Australia chooses SSW's latest .NET application

12th March 2002
SSW Announces .NET application - SQL Auditor

1st March 2002
SSW announces one-off series of seminars in .NET

25th February 2002
SSW cranks up investment in Microsoft .NET



Tools for the Developer

SSW SQL Auditor– audits your SQL Server database

SQL Auditor is a .NET tool for SQL developers that analyzes and reports on the performance of databases. SSW SQL Auditor is truly unique in its ability to offer reports on suggested changes to a database to enhance performance and consistency. The tool offers 2 main benefits – saving developers a great deal of time in checking errors, but more importantly gives a consistent approach for developing all databases. The tool runs on both SQL Server 7 and 2000 databases. In addition to its auditing function, it also has additional features to help the developer, such as Scripting Timestamps and help in implementing Clustered Indexes.
- Download the product to trial and test.


SSW Access Reporter .NET for IIS – delivers reports online instantly

SSW's Access Reporter .NET for IIS offers quick and easy migration of Microsoft Access reports to new ASPX web based applications. The utility saves time, hassle and money by not requiring rewriting of reports. A necessity for managers who plan to migrate many complex reports to a new application. Originally written in VB6, the application was then rewritten as a .NET Windows Service. Current clients include Toyota.
- Download the product to trial and test.


SSW Data Merge Pro – merges 2 different databases to one

SSW Data Merge PRO! is a great utility that merges two different databases into one. The two databases can have different format i.e. MS Access, SQL Server and even have different structure i.e. different table names and different field names.
- Download the product to trial and test.


Software for the Desktop

SSW LookOut for Outlook

SSW’s LookOut for Outlook provides the missing link from your email to your database. Whenever you receive an email, SSW LookOut searches and matches people from your database. It clearly tags every email you receive, telling you where the details of the contact can be found. And LookOut will let you know if no contact exists, which is especially helpful in the case of sales databases, when you want to be sure that every person who emails you and your colleagues exists in your database.
- Download the product to trial and test.

SSW Incident PRO! for Microsoft Outlook

Incident PRO is a new way of managing tasks and emails. Many businesses already use email to discuss tasks so why do they have another completely separate system to manage these tasks? SSW Incident PRO! saves user's time as they don't have to re-enter emails into another task tracking system and can work in a familiar environment.

- Download the product to trial and test.


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