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    Use SQL Deploy on your existing database

    In this quick walkthrough we configure SQL Deploy for the existing "AdventureWorks" sample database for future changes..

    Adventure Works Database
    Figure: AdventureWorks sample database from Microsoft, with no "_zsVersion" table code
  1. Step 1: Script your existing database to a "00000_create_database.sql" script file

    Generate Scripts
    Figure: Use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to generate scripts to create your whole database
    Script All Objects
    Figure:Check the "script all objects in the selected database" box

    Let SSMS create the "00000_create_database.sql" for you

    Single File
    Figure:Make sure to create 1 single file in your project folder
    Succesfull Generation
    Figure:Generation of scripts was successful

    Add this 2 lines at the start of the script:

    CREATE DATABASE [AdventureWorks]

    Note: This script is special because it creates a new database. We identify this by these lines.

    Final result of step 1

    create database script
    Figure:One "create database script" file in your project "SQLScripts" folder

    Step 2: Tell SQL Deploy that you have run already the "create database script"

    Since you have already an existing database, you have to tell SQL Deploy about that.
    Copy and paste this script into SQL Server Management Studio and run it on the AdventureWorks database.
    This will tell SQL Deploy that this script has been run already

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[_zsDataVersion](
    , [EmpUpdated]
    , [ScriptPath]
    , [ScriptFile]
    , [Note]
    , [SQLDeployVersion]
    getdate() -- current time on insert
    , suser_sname() + ' as ' + user_name() -- system user name
    , N'D:\DataPeterGfader\ProjectsTFS\AdventureWorks\SqlScripts' -- the folder where the script was located, just for tracing purposes
    , N'00000_create_database.sql' -- the name of the script file
    , N'SSWSQLDeploy: Database created manually, don''t delete this record' -- Note
    , N'12.22' -- SQL Deploy version

    This step is not necessary if you start with a new database from scratch.
    If you wish that SQL Deploy creates a new database for you run the wizard as described on SSW SQL Deploy-Create new database in EXE mode

    Final result of step 2

    1. Run through the wizard to update your database

    Select SQL File
    Figure: SQL Deploy sees that "00000_create_database.sql" has been run already

    2. Run "Compare database" and see that your database matches up with the SQL scripts

    Your database is ready and you can start using SQL Deploy

    Ready To Start

    Remember: Make sure to script out your changes as described on the sql deploy exe mode page