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SSW SQL Auditor > Screenshots

SSW SQL Auditor
This is FxCop for your SQL database - Keep your SQL Server database free from design flaws with SSW SQL Auditor.

Maintaining quality code across a large team is difficult. Even when standards are in place developers can make mistakes that will slip through Quality Assurance. SSW SQL Auditor, built in VB .NET, allows a developer to set SQL Server design rules and then check the database for code or design elements that ignores those rules.

SSW SQL Auditor User Guide

1. Prerequisites
2. Overview
3. Configure a Data Source and refresh the schema
4. Database Optimization
5. Tools | Options
6. Wizard Pages - Relationship Wizard
7. Wizard Pages - Primary Key Wizard
8. Wizard Pages - Clustered Index Wizard
9. Wizard Pages - Validate Foreign Key columns Wizard
10. Wizard Pages - LastModified column Wizard
11. Wizard Pages - Timestamp Wizard

Click here to see the old screenhots.
  1. Prerequisites

    1. To install, view the Installation User Guide
    2. To register, view the Registration User Guide

  2. Overview

    When you run the SSW SQL Auditor there will be a step by step wizard to guide you through the audit process.

    Figure: The welcome page

  3. Configure a Data Source and refresh the schema

    Before you can start auditing your database, you need to tell the application which database it should connect to. You can either create a sample database, connect to your own database or simply run this application without a database.

    Figure: Choose a data source - Configure sample database or Select my database

    • Configure sample database
    • SQL Auditor comes with a sample database which contains many typical database design flaws; you can
      deploy such a database and evaluate the auditing process.

    Figure: SSW database setup control for configuring sample databases
    Click 'Select ... ' to create a new sample database or specify an existing one.
    Before doing this, please make sure your account has enough privileges to access
    your database server and is able to create and drop databases. Normally, a
    'Database Creator' will be enough.

    Figure: SSW database setup control - configure sample database

    Figure: SSW database setup control - creating sample database

    • Select my database
    Figure: Select an exist database
    Note: Please remember to check the "Allow saving password" option if you
    specified a user name/password pair.

    When you configure your connection successfully, you can click "Next" to navigate to the following screen which will help you to load schema from your database into SQL Auditor for analyses.
    Process Data Base
    Figure: Process the Database

  4. Select the rules - Database Optimization

    SQL Auditor includes many rules that help you to improve your database, we know you may not
    agree with every single one of them, so you can review the rules in the following screen and decide
    which ones you want to implement. Remember you can always click 'more' to help you understand these rules.

    Tip: Click on the Column to sort it ascending or descending and you will learn what other DBA's believe/are doing:

    1. Rule Agreement - the rules everyone agrees (or disagrees) with
    2. Rule Implementation - the rules that developers are actually implementing (or not)
    3. Time Taken for scanning of each rule - the slowest/fastest rules

    Figure: Select the rules that you'd like to implement, You can also click the "Options" link to configure the rule as per your own database policies

    Rule Agreement Report
    Figure: Want to see what others are doing - see the live report for the Rule Agreement Report

    When you pick all the rules, click "Next", SQL Auditor will start processing.

    Figure: Processing rules

    SQL Auditor will display a detailed report about each of the rules; depends on the rule specifications,
    you will have different options to implement the rules against your database.

    Rule Violation Summary
    Figure: This page shows the result of rule processing, you can choose the following actions:

    • "Report" button - view the summary of violations for each rule;
    • "Report (All)" button - view all rules;
    • "Information" button - view details about rule violation, you can also print this out.
    • "Script" button - take you to the screen with automatically generated SQL script to fix rule violations.
    • "Wizard" button - open relevant wizard that will guide you through a few steps to create an SQL script.
    • "Tools -> Process All" - run all scripts all together to fix all the violations.

    Database Optimisation Report
    Figure: Rule violation report

    Database Optimisation Script
    Figure: Optimization script generated by SQL Auditor

    Database Optimisation Script
    Figure: Click "Finish" to start the Query Analyzer to execute the script

    Figure: SQL Server 2005 Management Studio with the script loaded

  5. Tools | Options

    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for General Options

    Standard Columns
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for Standard columns

    Naming Convertions
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for Naming Conventions

    Naming-Invalid Characters
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for invalid characters in object names

    Naming Stored Procedure
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for stored procedures

    Data Types for Dates
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for Data Types for Dates

    Data Types for Text
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for keeping text Data Types Consistent

    Data for Nulls
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for Nulls in text fields

    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for invalid characters

    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for Relationships

    Database Collation
    Figure: SSW SQL Auditor settings for Database Collation