SSW Exchange Reporter > Screenshots

Exchange Reporter

Efficiently analyze your organization's email usage with SSW Exchange Reporter

SSW Exchange Reporter provides the tools and reports you need to efficiently analyze your organization's email usage. Reports range from who is sending the most emails to clients to who has the largest mailbox.

SSW Exchange Reporter Extraction Services & Manager Setup Instruction
1. Prerequisites
2. Overview
3. Step 1 - Deploy Database
4. Step 2 - Publish Reports
5. Step 3 - Configure Extraction Windows Service
6.Step 4 - Select Exchange Mailboxes
7. Step 5 - Configure Schedule
8. Step 6 - Extraction Options
9. Run Manual Extraction
10. Run the Extraction Windows Service
11. Other Settings
Click here to see the old screens
  1. Prerequisites

    1. To install, view the Installation User Guide
    2. To register, view the Registration User Guide

  2. Overview

    Architecturally, SSW Exchange Reporter works like SQL Server, it runs as a service and has a nice user interface to start and stop the service. The Extraction Manager is where you can start and stop Extraction Windows Service and setup everything.

    Figure: Start and stop the service and diagnose the status of each component

  3. Step 1 - Deploy Database

    Exchange Reporter requires that each exchange server has its own SQL database, ideally in the same local network to reduce the need for sending data remotely and speed up the extraction.

    To deploy a database, you need to click on "Tools->Options" and open the "Reporting Database" tab:

    Figure: Click 'Select ... ' to deploy a new database

    DB Setup
    Figure: Click "Create" to start the deployment process

    Before you create or connect to your database, you need to make sure your account has enough privileges to access your database server and be able to create and drop database. Normally, a 'Database Creator' will be enough.

    To create a new database:

    1. Uncheck the 'Insert Sample Data' checkbox to enable edit on 'Database Name' textbox,
    2. Change the 'Database Name' (DO NOT use the default 'SSWExchangeReporterSample', this will cause Exchange Reporter to treat your database as a sample database and will not function correctly),
    3. Type in the username and password if you are using SQL server authentication, otherwise leave it as 'Windows NT Integrated Security',
    4. Click 'Create'.

    Exchange Reporter will deploy your database to the server you selected. When this is complete, close 'Database setup' form to return to the 'Reporting Database' tab.

    Creating database
    Figure: Creating database to the selected server

    To select an existing database,
    Select a DB
    Figure: Select an existing database

    The 'Reporting Database' tab looks like this when the database has been deployed successfully.

    Figure: You will get a "tick" if your database was correctly set up

  4. Step 2 - Publish Reports

    To publish the reports, open the reports tab:

    Figure: Click "Select..." to configure your report publication

    Figure: Click "Create" to publish a new set of reports

    The default Reporting Server is pointed to your local computer, you configure this by click on 'Configure ...' button below the 'Report Server and Report Manager' section to specify a different server and the credential you want to use to connect with the server.

    Figure: Configure Report Server and Report Manager url and authentication mode then click on 'Validate' to make sure they are correct

    To publish a new set of reports:

    • Configure the 'Report Server' to the URL of your report server address. Exchange Reporter uses SQL 2000 Server Reporting Services web services to publish reports. This web service provides the  necessary interface for Exchange Reporter to setup credentials, create the report folder and upload rdl files.  You need to make sure your account has necessary privileges to access this web service. The default web service URL is : http://YourReportServer/ReportServer/ReportService.asmx .
    • Change the 'Report Directory Name' to the name you want (We recommend you remove the 'Sample' as this will confuse your users).
    • Click on 'Create' button.
    • Exchange Reporter will publish reports to your report server. Once the report publishes successfully, a new browser window opens and will show you the new reports.
    Published reports
    Figure: Your newly published reports now appear in the report browser
    View sample reports
  5. Step 3 - Configure Extraction Windows Service

    SSW Extraction Windows Service allows you run extraction as a service, which gives you the flexibility to schedule the extraction process to run outside of your business hours. To install and setup this service, open 'Options->Exchange and Service' tab.

    Figure: Click 'Select User ...' to install the Extraction Service and configure the account that will be used to run it

    To install Extraction Windows Service, click 'Select User ...' to open 'Service User Selection' form:

    Figure: 'Service User Selection' form, enter/select your service account and click on 'OK' to install the Extraction Service

    In the form above, click "Select" to choose the service account you want to use for running the Extraction Service. This account must have read permission on all of your mailboxes.

    Note (Common Issues):

  6. Step 4 - Select Exchange Mailboxes

    SSW Exchange Reporter allows you to select the mailboxes to collect data, you can only select the mailboxes you want to report on and skip all other mailboxes. To select the mailboxes, go to the 'Options-> Exchange Users' tab.

    Figure:  Select the mailboxes which you want to extract data from

    If you have followed the instructions above, the 'Access' column in the list may show 'False'. This is because the permission settings you just created for your service account may take at least 15 minutes to take effect. If this is the case, you will need to wait a while then come back to this form. This behaviour has been described in this Microsoft KB;en-us;262054

    Use the drop down list on the top to select the Organization Unit or select the users individually. After you select all the mailboxes you want to extract, click 'Apply' to save your settings.

    If you want to rebuild this list, click 'Reload Users'. This tells Exchange Reporter to contact your Active Directory, and load your user list into the database again. Normally, this list will be loaded from database instead of Active Directory to make the process a lot faster.


    • The 'Error' column indicates the mailboxes that could not be extracted in last extraction
    • 'Scan Active Directory for new users during extraction' allows Exchange Reporter to update this list automatically according to your Active Directory changes. However, if you have multiple servers, you should disable this option to avoid errors.
    • SSW Exchange Reporter can only extract mailboxes that are located on the local exchange store. This is why the 'Server' drop down has been disabled, and only the users on your local exchange store are selected by default.

  7. Step 5 - Configure schedule

    Exchange Extraction service can run at background and process the extraction according schedule. To configure a schedule, select the 'Schedule' tab:

    Figure: You can configure a schedule to run the Extraction Service

    To create a new schedule, click 'Add...'  and open the 'Schedule Properties' dialog:

    Figure: Create a new schedule

    Note: At least one schedule is required to run the Extraction service.

  8. Step 6 - Extraction Options

    Extraction Options tab allows you to control the extraction process and the data collected from your Exchange Store.

    Extraction tab
    Figure: Set options for the extraction process and data collection

    • Enable Message Body Extraction: message body extraction may be very time consuming because some of the emails may have very long content. If you don't want to report on individual message, you may uncheck this option to make the extraction faster.
    • Mail Folders: you can collect data from every mail folder or specify the folders you want to collect data from.
    • Public Folders: if you have a public folder in your exchange server, enable this option to collect data from your public folder and messages.
    • Minimum date to use during extraction: normally, extraction will run on all messages in your exchange store, if you just want the message after a specific date, you can choose the date here, and the extraction will skip any messages that are older than that.

  9. Run Manual Extraction

    If you have followed all the instructions above, go back to 'Extraction Manager' main window, the 'Start' 'Stop' and 'Process' buttons will be enabled. Now, you are ready to run extraction to collect data.

    Manual extraction
    Figure: Click 'Process' to collect data manually

  10. Run the Extraction Windows Service

    To run Extraction Windows Service, you can either click on the 'Start' button on 'Extraction Manager' main form or start it from your service manager. If the service starts successfully, you will have the following entry in your 'Application Event Log'.

    Service Started
    Figure: If the Extraction Service started correctly, you will have an entry you in your Application Event Log

  11. Options - Other

    Other tabs
    Figure: Set options for audio feedback and email

    • Email Domain is your default email domain name. Exchange Reporter uses this information to classify email addresses as internal or external in some of the reports.
      Example: if you have an email address like FirstnameSurname@s*, then enter '' as your email domain.