Do you know where to upload work related videos?

Last updated by Tiago Araújo [SSW] over 2 years ago.See history

In the course of your employment, you may need or want to produce a number of videos that might be useful both for the company and for your own profile.

For unlisted videos (e.g. Done videos), you may put them on your own YouTube channel under a playlist called "Professional". You can then look back to them a decade later fondly and see how much you have improved.

youtube ownchannel
Figure: Your own channel showing professional videos

For videos that would help your company's YouTube presence, it's best to upload them directly onto the company YouTube channel. There, you can have a playlist with your name in it, making it easier to find your videos over the years. These videos will help promote your own profile, as well as the company's.

Note: Those that are mostly taken in working hours, and with company equipment.

Ulysses Maclaren
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