Do you record a summary of Sprint Reviews for the stakeholders?

Last updated by Jack Pettit [SSW] 3 months ago.See history

Creating a comprehensive summary and recording of Sprint Reviews is a great way to communicate changes in a Product to the community and stakeholders. Especially for people who are unable to attend these meetings.

Why Create a Summary and Recording?

  1. Enhanced Clarity and Transparency: Provides a clear, accessible update for all stakeholders, including those not present.
  2. Documentation for Future Reference: Serves as a historical record of decisions and discussions, valuable for future sprints and project continuity.
  3. Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement: Ensures that all stakeholders, regardless of their availability to attend, have access to the same information, promoting inclusiveness and alignment.
  4. Community Engagement: Allows the community at large to see what is happening on a product and provide feedback.

Best Practices for Effective Summaries and Recordings

Preparing the Summary

  • Highlight Key Points: Focus on decisions made, goals achieved, and major discussions.
  • Use Clear, Concise Language: Ensure that the summary is easily understandable, avoiding technical jargon where possible.
  • Include Actionable Items: Clearly note any action items or decisions that require follow-up.
  • Keep it Generic: Viewers might not have the same context of the Product, so try to present PBIs as though the viewers do not have prior knowledge.


Here's a suggested runsheet for what to cover in the video:

  1. Show the Product website
  2. Run through Sprint Review Email
  3. Run through Sprint Planning Email
  4. Finish on the Product YouTube Channel

Making the Recording

  • Ensure Good Audio Quality: Use a decent microphone and test audio levels before starting.
  • Capture Visuals: Record the screen or presentation to provide context to the discussions.
  • Keep it Engaging: Even though it’s a recording, try to keep the delivery lively and engaging to maintain viewer interest.

Utilizing Modern Tools for Recording and Editing

Using Microsoft Teams Record Feature

  • Start Recording: Utilize the built-in recording feature in Microsoft Teams to capture both audio and video of the Sprint Review.
  • Notify Participants: Always inform participants that the session is being recorded, ensuring compliance with privacy policies.

Editing with ClipChamp

  • Import the Recording: Once the meeting is over, download the recording and import it into ClipChamp.
  • Edit for Clarity: Trim unnecessary parts, highlight key moments, and add titles or transitions to enhance viewer understanding.
  • Use a consistent professional thumbnail: Get the design team to make you a nice thumbnail to use for your Sprint Reviews so that it looks professional.
  • Export and Share: Once edited, export the final video and consider uploading it to a platform like YouTube for easy access and sharing within your organization.

Examples of Good vs. Bad Practices

"Simply jotting down a few notes or making a low-quality audio recording on a phone."

Figure: Bad example - Inadequate details and poor audio quality can lead to misunderstandings and disengagement

"Preparing a structured document that highlights all key outcomes, decisions, and next steps, accompanied by a high-quality video recording of the session."

Figure: Good example - Provides a comprehensive and clear record that is useful for all stakeholders

By adopting these practices, teams can ensure that the outcomes of Sprint Reviews are effectively communicated and documented, supporting project success and stakeholder satisfaction.

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