LinkedIn - Do you have a good profile?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Clients look at LinkedIn to learn about consultants. Since it's often the first impression, a LinkedIn profile should be clean and professional. It's most important to be accurate and clear - it doesn't need to be complicated.

Do the following on your profile page:

  1. Make sure your basic information is correct (name, location, education, etc)
  2. Use a great profile photo
  3. Add a nice branded banner image (see example)
  4. Add the company name before your position
  5. Add a friendly URL - See how to
  6. Include other social media
  7. Add your top skills in the 'About' section (Aim for 5)
  8. Add your job experience
  9. Under your company, add relevant links to showcase your experience in a specific job
  10. Use hashtags to make yourself searchable
  11. Add a link to your company's profile in your description

E.g.{{ YOUR-NAME }}

  1. Account Managers - include a button to book (Do you know the best way to let clients book a meeting with you?)

good linkedin
Figure: Good example - A clean and professional profile give clients the right idea - that you will be great to work with.

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